Monday, 5 March 2012

You Are What Answers You Get To Questions You Didn't Ask

My attraction to misunderstood underdogs has led me to peculiar fandom.

Charles Horton Cooley once said, "One who shows signs of mental aberration is, inevitably, perhaps, but cruelly shut off from the familiar, thoughtless intercourse, partly excommunicated; his isolation is unwittingly proclaimed to him on every countenance by curiosity, indifference, aversion, or pity, and insofar as he is human enough to need free and equal communication and feel the lack of it, he suffers pain and a loss of a kind and degree which others can only faintly imagine, and for the most part ignore."

It's a big deal to not feel part of something bigger than the selfdom we subconsciously create. It's the human condition to assimilate in order to be appreciated, or at the very least, acknowledged. No one wants to be the Forever Alone guy.

We are artists experimenting with new styles. We are two lovers inventing a new form of singular relation between us. How daunting is it that what we create is most probably not new to the world, but just to ours?
Let's discuss the wilderness of being.

How do we decide upon which factors aid us in judging one another? Truths always come from elsewhere. Are you constantly evaluating yourself? Why are you?
Consider the function of your time and the eternity of your present. So much potential. We never begin from scratch. There is no clean slate. All we are is stored in the great database in the sky, and people hold grudges. When is resorting to one's primal desire for affection a negative? Why do we crave adoration and acceptance, even from lesser beings? It is the human condition to make us fall prey to the notion of power. We encounter the desire to police, dominate, subordinate, and render subservient. Don't give in.

These things never fall readily into one's straining arms. They must be constructed. We want to be towers. We want to be the focus of the panoramic view. Concepts are not ideas (unpopular opinion). They are tangible. They are tools. It makes as much sense to ask "Is this concept true?" as to ask "Is this pencil true?" But this is the kind of question few, like myself, would find an engaging topic of conversation. What everyone wants to know is, "What does it do?"

So, what do you do, my little concepts?

Answer things in silence.


  1. YES! dont let other people judge or influence you. Be you own person, and dont dwell on the mistakes of the past regardless of whose fault it is
